Debates on Europe

26 May 2022 - France
Eric Maurice moderated a panel on the topic "Refugees, Resilience and the Rule of Law. Will Europe live up to its ideals?" that was held during the event "Debates on Europe" organised in Dresden by the S. Fischer Foundation and the German Academy for Language and Literature in cooperation with local partners across Europe.
When ?
Starts the
Russia's war on Ukraine will have profound consequences for the idea of European integration as a "peace project". Old inner-European controversies suddenly appear in a new light, lines of conflict shift, new alliances are formed. The backdrop of this uncertainty - perceived as an historical turning point, a Zeitenwende - is the question of how security and prosperity can be maintained in a situation characterized by cumulative crises. International experts and intellectuals discussed this European quest for orientation, focusing on three main topics: refugee movements, the cultural and economic consequences of the crises, and the conflicting attitudes towards the rule of law as a basis for a democratic European project.
*** Speakers ***
Piotr Buras (head of the European Council on Foreign Relations Warsaw office, Poland)
Kateryna Mishchenko (writer, publisher, translator, Ukraine)
Nicolai von Ondarza (German Institute for International and Security Affairs - SWP, Germany)
Moderator: Eric Maurice (Fondation Robert Schuman, France)
*** When ***
26th of May, Thursday, 8 p.m.
*** Where ***
Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden | Marta Fraenkel Hall
*** Replay ***
*** Languages ***
The discussions was held in English with simultaneous translation.
27 January 2025