Robert Schuman's life history


Who was Robert Schuman? Where did he come from? What did he do? What were the major dates in his life?
Find all the important events in the life of Robert Schuman in this biographical section devoted to it.


Declaration of 9 may


The declaration of 9th May 1950 is believed to be the founding text of European integration. Delivered by Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, in the Salon de l'Horloge at the Quai d'Orsay in Paris, this declaration, inspired by Jean Monnet, the first Planning Commissioner, lays out a European organisation that would be responsible for pooling the French and German production of coal and steel.

Read the declaration of 9 may


Documentary on the Robert Schuman Declaration - The Birth of Europe visuel documentary on Robert Schuman

On 9th May in the Salon de l'Horloge, in a declaration that is now famous, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman launched the founding appeal for European integration. This declaration announced the creation of the European Community of Steel and Coal (ECSC). The EPP's TV channel produced a documentary on the declaration made on 9th May 1950 by Robert Schuman in which Jacques-René Rabier, now 93 years old tells his story of this historic day.

Les « pères » de l'Europe : Robert Schuman - Jean-Michel Gaillard visuel video les 'pères de l'Europe'

J.-M. Gaillard reviews Robert Schuman's life, one of the “fathers” of Europe. His origins in Lorraine placed him at the heart of Europe and his past as a prisoner forged a personal desire to put an end to the bitter wars between the French and the Germans. He succeeded in reconciling them via the pooling of coal and steel production – the economic and industrial crux of the matter.

History of a Treaty Visuel History of a Treaty

An assembly of topical documents - this film is a retrospective of the events which marked the creation (1951) and the first years of the Community of Steel and Coal (ECSC). It also describes how the ECSC was run: the High Authority and the Court of Justice. It also includes an excerpt from the speech given by Robert Schuman on 9th May 1950 when he suggested the creation of the ECSC, the signature of the treaty in Paris on 18th April 1951, the speeches delivered by Jean Monnet on 10th August 1952 during the inauguration of the High Authority of the ECSC, and on 30th April 1953 on the eve of the opening of the Economic Community of Steel and Coal (ECSC). (USIS)

For Europe

Order the only book by Robert Schuman : « For Europe » :rn

50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman

Fifty years ago on 4th September 1963 Robert Schuman, otherwise known as the "Father of Europe" passed away in his house at Scy-Chazelles. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death several commemorative ceremonies are being organised :rn

- at Salon de l'Horloge du Quai d'Orsay together with the Delegate Minister for European Affairs Thierry Repentin

At Scy-Chazelles , showing of the film "Robert Schuman : l'Europe en héritage" together with the Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker

The Robert Schuman Foundation published on this occasion an
- excerpt from the second chapter of his only book For Europe .

European leaders also paid tribute to Robert Schuman. The President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso made a declaration , in which he insists on Robert Schuman's importance to the European project. The President of the European Commission Herman van Rompuy signed an article in the French newspaper "La Croix" stressing the qualities of the founding father.


In 1924 Robert Schuman purchased the estate in Scy-Chazelles, a Lorraine village on the slopes of Mont St.Quentin that forms the backdrop to the area of Metz. Today the house has been transformed into a museum and convention centre. The buildings and the gardens are austere and yet simple integrating harmoniously into the landscape of the Moselle valley.

More about Scy-Chazelles


robert schuman

Bibliography on Robert Schuman

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Special page on May 9

Every year in celebration of Europe Day the Robert Schuman Foundation puts a special "9th May" page on-line " recalling who Robert Schuman was, what we are celebrating and presenting the various events that are taking place in Europe on 9th May.

View the special page