The Newsletter n°646 — 10 nov. 2014
La Lettre
Dominique Perrut
10 November 2014
Economic and Social Councils and the expectations of European civil society
9 November 2014

The future of France and Europe in the face of world turmoil
9 November 2014
European Commission's Economic Forecasts
7 November 2014

A report indicates that the IMF responded inappropriately to the world economic crisis
9 November 2014
Third consecutive year of recession in Italy
10 November 2014
Conclusions of the first post-programme surveillance mission in Portugal
7 November 2014
The euro zone economy slowed at the beginning of the fourth quarter 2014
10 November 2014
The Council adopts an agreement on insurance mediation
8 November 2014

New voting system for the Council
10 November 2014
Eurogroup Conclusions
7 November 2014
Conclusions of the Economy and Finance Council
9 November 2014
Directive on anti-trust damage claims
10 November 2014
Federica Mogherini travels to Warsaw
7 November 2014

Extension of the EU's military operation in Central African Republic
7 November 2014
European Court of Auditors has published its annual report on the EU's budget
7 November 2014

Entry into force of the ECB's Single Supervisory Mechanism
7 November 2014

Rates unchanged and new support measures announced
7 November 2014
Fabiola Gianotti, appointed to head the CERN
7 November 2014

Historical landing of the European Philae lander a comet
9 November 2014
10 billion euro in investments by 2018
10 November 2014

25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall
10 November 2014
A new government in Bulgaria led by Boyka Borissov
7 November 2014

Meeting of six Home Affairs Ministers on anti-terrorist measures
7 November 2014

Laimdota Straujuma reappointed as Prime Minister in Latvia
7 November 2014

Tax strategies between 340 multi-national companies and Luxembourg revealed
10 November 2014

Poland's new security strategy
10 November 2014

Romania: Foreign Minister resigns
10 November 2014

Positive balance of the European "cost" of immigration to the UK
10 November 2014

Declaration of the Visegrad group on the Western Balkans
10 November 2014

The UK and Germany encourage Bosnia-Herzegovina on its route the EU
9 November 2014

Resignation and Dismissal of many Ministers
10 November 2014

Visit by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls
10 November 2014

The OSCE is concerned and calls for each side to respect the ceasefire
10 November 2014

IMF: Poul Thomsen takes over the Europe department
7 November 2014

Nearly one in four threatened by poverty or social exclusion in the EU in 2013
9 November 2014

Publication of Helmut Kohl's book "Aus Sorge um Europa"
10 November 2014

Edgar Degas painting on show in Karlsruhe
8 November 2014

"Rembrandt the and Golden Dutch Age" at the Fine Arts Museum in Budapest
7 November 2014
Andy Warhol at the Tate Liverpool
7 November 2014
18th Paris Photo Exhibition
10 November 2014
10th and 11th November
Agriculture and Fisheries Council Meeting (Brussels)
12th and 13th November
Mini-session at the European Parliament (Brussels)
14th November
Conference on the "Economic and Social Councils and the expectations of European Civil Society" (Paris)
14th November
Economy and Finances Council (Budget) (Brussels)
15th and 16th November
G20 Meeting (Brisbane)
16th November
Presidential election in Romania (2nd Round) ()
17th and 18th November
"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy
De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project
Between the Baltic and the Balkans, the new geopolitics of gas
The role of local communities in European policies.
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Guillaume Anglars, Flora Dumont, Andrea Klemencsics, Helen Levy,Lucie Nebut, Aude Prenassi, Marguerite Richelme, Ombeline Soulard
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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