The Newsletter n°618 — 24 mars 2014
La Lettre
24 March 2014
The Foundation, winner of the "European Affairs" Trophy awarded by the Think Tank Observatory
24 March 2014

Crimea: strength and the law
24 March 2014
Cold War II: First Russian Lessons for Europe
24 March 2014
Presidential and legislative elections in Macedonia
24 March 2014

Agreement between Greece and troika on the disbursement of aid tranche
23 March 2014

Recovery in the Czech Republic but work still to be done according to the OECD
23 March 2014
Conclusions of the IMF observation mission in Hungary
23 March 2014
Growth forecast of 1.9% in Germany
24 March 2014
Conclusions of the European Council on Ukraine and signature of the Association agreement
23 March 2014

European Council: taxation, competitiveness, climate, energy
23 March 2014
The Commission offers assistance of one billion euro to Ukraine
23 March 2014

Fine of 953 million euro against car parts manufacturers
24 March 2014
"Yes" for the first successful European citizens' initiative "Right2Water"
24 March 2014
Work on bank supervision on the right path in Danièle Nouy's opinion
23 March 2014

New rules on taxing savings revenues
24 March 2014

Creation of a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
23 March 2014
European Agreement on Banking Union
23 March 2014
Tripartite social summit: confidence has to be established in Europe
23 March 2014
Measures adopted against illegal fishing and to promote agricultural products in the EU
24 March 2014
Meeting with Iran on the nuclear issue
23 March 2014

The German Constitutional Court deems the ESM legal
23 March 2014

Five German leaders in the European Parliament publish an open letter to Martin Schulz
23 March 2014
The German government wants to foster women's employment
24 March 2014
Visit by the French Defence Minister to the countries of the Baltic and Poland
24 March 2014

High Court confirms ban on Silvio Berlusconi from public office
23 March 2014

The President of the Italian Council, Matteo Renzi meets German Chancellor
23 March 2014
Chinese President visits the Netherlands
24 March 2014

Portuguese head of Parliament Pedro Passos Coelho meets Angela Merkel
23 March 2014

British budget in 2014
23 March 2014

The UK imports more than it exports to its European partners
23 March 2014
Moldova wants to draw closer to Europe but fears Russia's sights set on Transnistria
24 March 2014

The Kremlin speeds up the annexation process of the Crimean Peninsula
24 March 2014

Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea
24 March 2014

Read more -another link -another link -another link -another link
Ban Ki-moon travels to Moscow and Kiev to encourage the quest for a peaceful solution
24 March 2014
According to the Venice Committee the referendum in Crimea is unconstitutional
24 March 2014
OSCE Mission in Ukraine
24 March 2014
Rotterdam Europe's leading freight port, Dover the leading passenger port
24 March 2014

Euro zone: trade surplus of 900 million euro
23 March 2014
Measuring the quality of life in the EU beyond the GDP
23 March 2014
EU goods trade surplus with the USA in 2013
24 March 2014
European Council in 2013
23 March 2014

2014 edition of the EU's Justice Scoreboard
23 March 2014
"Art & Textiles" in Stuttgart
24 March 2014

"The Treasure of Naples" at the Maillol Museum in Paris
23 March 2014
Winner of the EU's 2014 Cultural Heritage Prize/Europa Nostra Competition
24 March 2014
Italian Suona Francese Festival
24 March 2014
Frida Kahlo in Rome
24 March 2014
les 24th-25th March
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
les 24th-25th March
Nuclear Security Summit (The Hague)
24th March
Extraordinary Meeting of the G7 (The Hague)
26th March
EU/USA Summit (Brussels)
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy
De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project
Between the Baltic and the Balkans, the new geopolitics of gas
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Jelena Isailovic, Salomé Larcher
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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